Advantages of the software:
★ Obtains the results of the calculations immediately in all properties and categories.
★ Gives answers to 53 frequently asked questions.
★ Receive solutions and recommendations at the click of a button to open abundance in a relationship.
★ Receive solutions and recommendations at the click of a button to open up employment abundance.
★ Receive solutions and recommendations at the click of a button to open the abundance in employee livelihood.
★ Receive solutions and recommendations at the click of a button to open abundance in self-employment.
★Obtaining solutions and recommendations for the right way for a business owner to succeed in their business.
★Receiving solutions and recommendations for the dates when they will succeed independently.
★ Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and other areas.
★ Producing a main analysis report for 400 ILS/ 120 EUR.
★ Producing individual reports for groups/gatherings for 100 ILS/ 30 EUR.
★ Production of a forecast report for a personal year sold for up to 250 ILS/ 75 EUR.
★ The software "knows how to generate - passive income" from the production of the reports.
★ Option to choose a baby name / Add another first name / Change first name / Add another last name.
★ Last name change.
The software includes:
Personal map analysis, life cycles, future forecasts including
Numerological Cosmo Day, personal year, personal month, personal day, future record and up to 500 years ahead including report
Details of business suitability for the self-employed and partners, couple compatibility academic success, attention and concentration disorders both mild and complex.
Map of the person's name, map of Pythagoras, integrated map and human health forecast, opening chakras, energy blockages etc.
The software includes automatic answers to frequently asked questions such as:
Is my spouse right for me?
When should you buy an apartment?
When is it advisable to start a business?
When should an important action be taken?
When should you sign contracts?
What is appropriate to engage in?
Why are they not in a relationship?
When will I get promoted at work?
Does my name suit me?
And many more common questions that clients ask.
And as mentioned, the software gives immediate automatic answers